

I had a great time participating in the CTF with team thehackerscrew this week. Out of the four reverse engineering challenges, I managed to solve three, which was a fantastic accomplishment.

The challenges were both enjoyable and educational, allowing me to learn and grow as I tackled them.

decompile me

decompile me

  • Given file: Get it here!
  • Description: Reverse engineering is getting easier thanks to IDA/Ghidra decompiler!

We are given a binary file named chall. Load it in IDA, and it was easy to see that the binary just does RC4 encryption on the input we provide it.

However, when I tried to decrypt the ciphertext using the key given, I failed to get the flag.

At this point I read the description again and saw that it said something about IDA/Ghidra, and my thought was that IDA and Ghidra might give false results.

So I went on and tried to decompile the binary using Binary Ninja instead. And my thought was correct, key and enc was wrongly mapped.

I wrote a simple script to get the flag.

    from malduck import rc4

    key = b'1\t\x81\x19\x19\x14E\x11'
    enc = b'x\xcf\xc4\x85\xdc3\x07L\x935\xfb|\x10\x8e\xbe\x93(\xe6.u\xda^\x85\xc5\x91\x15u\x89H\x0e)\xa4\xf9\xa6:n\x1f\x84\xf7B\xb0\x931\xf0h\xc0C8\x072\tW\xda2D\xcf\xcd\x8f\xe5\xbf\xe3\xd6\xbbY\x9aj\x84\x85\xd3\"\xa9\x8e\xb5\xea\xbdW\xde\xb1l\x93\xe4tp\xac\x1a\x03\xd9\x16\x9f\xbc\x97\xfb\x85\xd9\xa6\x9e\xd4\xd6\x02Y\xd5(\xb3\x93\x16\xb6\xc4x\xc4\xa2\x12\xd2\xef\xb1T\x18\xfdvQ\xa3^W\xb8XK\x1e\xe2A'

    print(rc4(key, enc))

Flag is: zer0pts{d0n'7_4lw4y5_7ru57_d3c0mp1l3r}



For this challenge, we are given a binary and 2 library files. A quick look into the binary reveals that it is using dynamic linking in the implementation of the program.

How the binary works?

  • To briefly explain, ResolveModuleFunction() is used with a hash value to retrieve functions from a library file (which we call dynamic linking).

So first thing we should do is to retrieve all the functions called. That should be fairly easy with some debuggings, since dlsym() function directly returns function name from the library.

How to get function names?

  • Set a breakpoint at dlsym() call and read parameter name.

After a while, I saw that our flag is splitted into chunks of 4 bytes, and the scheme of the checker should look like this:

encoded = pow(chunks[i], e, m)

with e and m are the values we get from rand() calls.

I’ve been doing both Crypto and Reversing, so I quickly realized that this is just doing RSA encryption. So I wrote a script, with some debuggings to retrieve rand() values runtime, and I got the flag.

    from Crypto.Util.number import *
    from factordb.factordb import FactorDB

    x = [0xf0d3, 0x085f, 0x8e63, 0x8249, 0xc6a1, 0x0c6d, 0xaef5, 0xd5df, 0xe68d, 0xf3fb]
    y = [0x00002350f23a0dff, 0x000032d18e9d4d33, 0x000003866cd71f1b, 0x000010ae9be3fc8f, 0x000009d942eff67d, 0x00001de2e3aa8bb1, 0x0000103fc65841f3, 0x0000011a0970edc9, 0x00005f8d20bddf39, 0x000045b14e11e0ed]

    enc = [0xFE4C025C5F4, 0x1B792FF17E8A, 0x183B156AB40, 0xBEFFCF5E5DA, 0x297CF86E251, 0xEB3EDC1D4B4, 0xFA10CE3A08, 0x2BDD418672, 0x5EBB5050EA46, 0x5BF9B73CF86]

    flag = b""

    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = FactorDB(y[i])
        ls = f.get_factor_list()

        phi = 1
        for j in ls:
            phi *= (j - 1)

        d = inverse(x[i], phi)
        dec = pow(enc[i], d, y[i]).to_bytes(4, "little")
        flag += dec


Flag is: zer0pts{L00k_th3_1nt3rn4l_0f_l1br4r13s!}



  • Given file: Get it here!
  • Description: No worries. It’s a network topology, not an algebraic one.

For this challenge, we are provided with a binary file, topology. I did some analysis on it, and noted out some comments about how the challenge works.

My note

  • Input is splitted into 10 chunks, each has 8 bytes.
  • The parent process spawns many child process, each has a different whoami value.
  • Each child process is linked with a function, which is derived from f[whoami - 1] (in handle_message).
  • Each function has 10 cases, each case has a unique solution to make result = 0 (so that OK is sent from the child process back to the parent process).
  • Suppose that the first time a function is called, case 0 is used to check the input, and next time case 1 is used, and so on.

Move on to the main check function in network_main, and here is where things get more obvious.

How the checker works?

  • The first chunk of the input is checked using case 0 of all the functions (that is linked with all child processes).
  • Similarly, the second chunk of the input is checked using case 1 of all the functions (since all of them are already called once), and thing goes the same for all remaining chunks of the input.
  • A chunk is considered correct if at least 5 functions accept it.

So our problem is how to solve the cases. At first I was thinking of using angr, but I failed to do so, and I ended up using z3 to solve them.

Below is the example of solving a case which leads to the first chunk of our flag:

    from z3 import *
    from Crypto.Util.number import *

    s = Solver()
    x = BitVec("x", 64)

    def _byteswap_uint64(x):
        chunks = [Extract((i + 1) * 8 - 1, i * 8, x) for i in range(8)]
        reversed_chunks = chunks
        return Concat(reversed_chunks)

    def __ROL8__(x, a):
        return RotateLeft(x, a)

    def __ROR8__(x, a):
        return RotateRight(x, a)

        == 0x6AA189484E6B1D4

    if s.check() == sat:
        result = s.model()

    # zer0pts{

To know which chunk is correct, we can set a breakpoint at base + 0xE5C6F and read ebp register to know the amount of functions that accept it.

And, here is my note again, and this time it contains the flag instead.

My note

  • 1 zer0pts{
  • 2 kMo7UtDh
  • 3 qMfXhaUp
  • 4 0kP8MEPL
  • 5 PJFgKUx7
  • 6 YlWyyxB9
  • 7 POKUhegF
  • 8 qdNm5sXI
  • 9 fxk2FIfV
  • 10 }

Flag is: zer0pts{kMo7UtDhqMfXhaUp0kP8MEPLPJFgKUx7YlWyyxB9POKUhegFqdNm5sXIfxk2FIfV}



  • Given file: Get it here!
  • Description: Are you bored with x86? Enjoy this x87 VM.

Too bad I didn’t solve it at the end, was really sleepy for the whole last 12 hours of the CTF, but anyway here is the interpreter me and my teammates wrote for the VM before I went to sleep and stopped doing it.

    import decimal
    import math

    class VM:
        def __init__(self):
            self.stack = []
            self.memory = [decimal.Decimal(0)] * 20
            self.opcodes = {
                '!': self.opcode_exclamation,
                '"': self.opcode_quote,
                '#': self.opcode_hash,
                '$': self.opcode_dollar,
                '%': self.opcode_percent,
                '&': self.opcode_ampersand,
                '\'': self.opcode_single_quote,
                '1': self.opcode_1,
                '2': self.opcode_2,
                '3': self.opcode_3,
                '4': self.opcode_4,
                '5': self.opcode_5,
                '6': self.opcode_6,
                '7': self.opcode_7,
                '8': self.opcode_8,
                ':': self.opcode_colon,
                'A': self.opcode_A,
                'B': self.opcode_B,
                'C': self.opcode_C,
                'D': self.opcode_D,
                'E': self.opcode_E,
                'Q': self.opcode_Q,
                'R': self.opcode_R,
                'S': self.opcode_S,
                'T': self.opcode_T,
                'a': self.opcode_a,
                'b': self.opcode_b,
                #'c': self.opcode_c,
                'd': self.opcode_d,
                'e': self.opcode_e,
                'f': self.opcode_f,
                'g': self.opcode_g,
                'h': self.opcode_h,
                'i': self.opcode_i,
                '9': self.opcode_9,
                'r': self.opcode_r,
                's': self.opcode_s,

        def interpret(self, code):
            for opcode in code:
                func = self.opcodes.get(opcode, self.opcode_default)
                # print(self.stack)

        def opcode_default(self):
            raise ValueError("Invalid or unsupported opcode")

        def opcode_exclamation(self):

        def opcode_quote(self):

        def opcode_hash(self):

        def opcode_dollar(self):

        def opcode_percent(self):

        def opcode_ampersand(self):

        def opcode_single_quote(self):
            self.stack.append(decimal.Decimal(math.log(2, math.e)))

        def opcode_8(self):

        def opcode_colon(self):
            self.stack = self.stack.pop()

        def opcode_A(self):
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_B(self):
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-2) - self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_C(self):
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() * self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_D(self):
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop(-2) / self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_E(self):
            self.stack[-1] *= decimal.Decimal(-1)

        def opcode_Q(self):
            self.stack[-1] = decimal.Decimal(math.sqrt(self.stack[-1]))

        def opcode_R(self):
            self.stack[-1] = decimal.Decimal(math.sin(self.stack[-1]))

        def opcode_S(self):
            self.stack[-1] = decimal.Decimal(math.cos(self.stack[-1]))

        def opcode_T(self):
            self.stack[-1] = decimal.Decimal(round(self.stack[-1]))

        def opcode_a(self):
            self.memory[13] = self.stack.pop()

        def opcode_b(self):

        def opcode_d(self):
            self.flags = int(self.stack.pop() < self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_e(self):
            self.flags = int(self.stack.pop() <= self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_f(self):
            self.flags = int(self.stack.pop() == self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_g(self):
            self.flags = int(self.stack.pop() != self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_h(self):
            self.flags = int(self.stack.pop() >= self.stack.pop())

        def opcode_i(self):
            for _ in range(self.flags):
                if self.code:

        def opcode_r(self):
            self.stack.append(decimal.Decimal(ord(input("Enter a character: "))))

        def opcode_s(self):
            print(chr(int(self.stack.pop())), end='')

        def opcode_1(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[1] = self.stack[1], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_2(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[2] = self.stack[2], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_3(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[3] = self.stack[3], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_4(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[4] = self.stack[4], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_5(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[5] = self.stack[5], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_6(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[6] = self.stack[6], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_7(self):
            self.stack[0], self.stack[7] = self.stack[7], self.stack[0]

        def opcode_9(self):
            self.stack.append(decimal.Decimal(input("Enter a number: ")))

    vm = VM()

    # FLAG: